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Raised in Philadelphia, she currently lives in Los Angeles. “I’m very grateful and blessed to be able to have the opportunities that I’ve had,' said Ferreira, who is of Puerto Rican and Dominican heritage. She's best known for her role as the supportive sister in Hulu’s 'Love, Victor,' which returns June 15 for its third and final season. 'Crush' is not the first production Ferreira has worked on that elevated LGBTQ+ love. “At the end of the day she is navigating her way through life as everyone else is.' Auli'i Cravalho as AJ and Isabella Ferreira as Gabriela in 'Crush' on Hulu. Paige later discovers her crush was simply just that as she begins to 'crush' on another teammate, AJ, played by Auli’i Cravalho (“Moana”), who is Gabriella’s sister.īeing the popular girl in high school doesn’t mean you have it all together, said Ferreira about her character. She also happens to be the longtime crush of Paige. She is the co-captain of the track team, beautiful and confidently lesbian.

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Latina actor Isabella Ferreira, 19, known for her role in Hulu’s “Love, Victor,” plays the role of Gabriella, the 'it' girl at Miller High.

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